Illegitimi non carborundum (Don’t let the bastards grind you down.)

Relentless Reese Halter

Reese Halter


Relentless Reese Halter is a bees trees seas defender. He’s a lifelong advocate for the well defined state of complex Earth System and its self-organised, self-regenerating networks of interdependent cooperative biological communities on land and under the sea, which all life utterly depends upon for survival. Dr Reese Halter is a decorated scientist, prolific writer, author, poet, barnstormer, philosopher (cherisher of knowledge) and passionate lover of The Great Mystery, Mother Earth. Curious, joyful and kind — a tall humane vegan in love with nature. Agitate. Disrupt. Defend.

The venerable General Sherman -- the largest tree on Earth.

The venerable General Sherman, Mother’s largest living planetary tree.

Join the ‘good doctor’ from the tallest, largest & oldest trees on Earth, California’s redwoodssequoias & Great Basin bristlecone pines to the splendid coastal Sitka spruce forests of Alaskan & British Columbian wilderness, to the incomparable honeybees and the spellbinding monarch butterflies that southward migrate and northward return in the summer from Canada to Mexico and Baja California (which spans the life of 3 or 4 generations of the butterfly). From the land Down Under, marvel at breathtaking life on the Great Barrier Reef & the incredible bees that pollinate eucalypts. Take time to discover the colossal leatherback sea turtles along with the remarkable whales of the Great Southern Ocean. Read Relentless Reese's stories from Africa on magnificent elephants, majestic rhinos and Big Oil deafening humpback whales . And don't miss his detailed account of the SE Asian coal rush looting Earth or the critically endangered Sumatran tigers that are poached mercilessly in the bloody 'War Against Nature.' Please open your heart and be aware of the repulsive ocean-killing bloodlust in Taiji, Japan & the Danish Faroe Islands, which shamelessly slays thousands of sentient, intelligent cetaceans annually. Kudos to Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for standing up to Japan -- Stop Killing Endangered Whales. Gratitude for a lifetime of outstanding conservation leadership from Dr. Jane Goodall. Thank you Bob Barker, the late Sir Roger Moore, the late Sam Simon, Pamela Anderson, Yao Ming, Jan Creamer & Tim Phillips & the late Dr. Dian Fossey for being best friends forever to the Animal Kingdom. Humans are driving The Sixth Mass Extinction including looting and polluting sea life at an unprecedented rate. The bees, trees & seas are collapsing. It's time to future-proof towns & cities and tackle, head-on, the climate in crisis.

An incomparable honeybee at work -- pollinating.

An incomparable honeybee at work -- pollinating.

Protect Our Planet

To protect Nature we must love it, to love Nature we must understand it, to understand Nature we must be taught. From understanding comes wonder, which Reese Halter is a master at evoking.  Become a vegan and help safeguard our environment.

An Ancient One -- Great Basin Bristlecone pine -- 2 miles above Earth growing on 600 million year old Silurian dolomitic seafloor. These remarkable trees thrive on alkaline sediments. Ancient Ones eventually expire beyond 5,000 years because they outgrow the former Silurian seafloor. Unprecedented.

An Ancient One -- Great Basin Bristlecone pine -- 2 miles above Earth growing on 600-million-year-old Silurian dolomitic seafloor. These astounding trees thrive on alkaline sediments. Ancient Ones eventually expire beyond 5,000 years because they outgrow the former Silurian seafloor. Unrivalled.

Reduce burning fossil fuels,  wood pellets & palm oil  immediately.  Race towards a zero-combustion economy 2030. C’mon UN bring on the Universal Declaration for the Rights of Mother Earth of 2010, put forth by the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia. If corporations have rights, why shouldn’t old-growth forests, globally?

Reduce burning fossil fuels, wood pellets & palm oil immediately. End all fossil fuel, forestry, fisheries and animal agriculture subsidies now. Race towards a zero-combustion economy 2035. C’mon UN bring on the Universal Declaration for the Rights of Mother Earth of 2010, put forth by the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia. If corporations have rights, why shouldn’t all Mother Earth’s rivers, lakes, grasslands, wetlands, peatlands, alpine meadows, native old-growth forests, mangroves, sea grass meadows, kelp forests, coral reefs, the ocean floor and ALL life therein? Plant-based diets for everyone would free up an area the size of the European Union, the United States, China and Australia to be REWILDED with Mother’s tried and true carbon keepers, forests & animals!

#vegan  - Reese Halter.jpg

©2025 Reese Halter

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Dr. Reese Halter is an award-winning conservation scientist, broadcaster, public speaker and writer.

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